What You Don’t Want to Miss at the 255th ACS National Meeting

There’s lots to do at ACS national meetings, and inChemistry has you covered with a roundup of programming, workshops, and social events you won’t want to miss.

Make sure you download the national meeting planner app to build your schedule and follow #ACSNola on Twitter to keep up with what’s going on throughout the meeting.

Student program

The first two days of the ACS national meeting will be jam-packed with activities designed specifically for undergraduates. Sessions and workshops will cover everything from getting into graduate school to career options and networking tactics to science communication and student research. Check out the full Student Program for details.

Career workshops and sessions

Are you nearing graduation? Take advantage of these ACS career resources and events.

ACS Career Fair
Take advantage of three days full of networking, skill building, and professional development opportunities at the ACS Career Fair. 

Career Workshops
ACS Career Pathways™ Workshops are expertly designed courses dedicated to providing career guidance to both up-and-coming and professional chemists in navigating their futures.

ChemIDPTM: Planning for Your Career 
Sunday, March 18, 11:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 207
Would you like to have a plan for your career? Join this interactive workshop to start mapping out your career plans and learn how the ChemIDPTM, ACS’s new professional development tool, can support your career planning and preparation.  

Thriving in the Workplace: Non-Technical Skills that Boost Your Value
Monday, March 17, 2:00–4:25 p.m.
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Grand Salon B Sec 7
Topics include:

Technical Sessions

Technical program
The technical program is the heart of the national meeting, with thousands of papers to be presented. Most of them are research talks presented by Ph.D. researchers for Ph.D. researchers, but not all of them will be over your head. Use the online technical program to find talks related to your or your advisor’s research.

CHED: Undergrad Research Oral Session
Sunday, March 18, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (organic and medicinal)
Monday, March 19, 1:30–4:30 p.m. (inorganic, bioinorganic, and materials)
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Magnolia Room

CHED: Green Chemistry Chapters: Stories of Success
Sunday, March 18, 8:30–11:30 a.m.
New Orleans Marriott Convention Center, Blaine Kern B
This symposium will provide a platform for student chapters who have been awarded green chemistry status to share their unique strategies and stories. Through peer-to-peer student conversations, more student chapters may be inspired and empowered to achieve green chemistry status.

CHED: Undergraduate Research Poster Session
Monday, March 19, 12:00–2:00 p.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Hall D/E

POLY: Undergraduate Research in Polymer Science
Tuesday, March 20
8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., New Orleans Marriott Canal Street
1:00–6:00 p.m., New Orleans Marriott Canal Street
6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Hall D/E

CHED: Chemistry Students at the Nexus: REU Award Winners
Tuesday, March 20, 1:30–4:30 p.m.
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Grand Salon D Sec 22

WCC: Science of Sexual Harassment
Monday, March 19, 9:00–11:30 a.m. and 1:00–3:30 p.m.
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Grand Salon C Sec 13
This two-part session will examine sexual harassment and what communities are doing to stop it in chemistry and beyond. The first session will explore the psychology and sociology of sexual harassment and the second session will focus on what chemistry departments and associations are doing—or should be doing—to stop harassment. Panel discussions will allow the audience to ask questions.

YCC: Tales of Chemistry & Cocktails
Monday, March 19, 2:00–3:55 p.m.
Grand Ballroom D, Hilton New Orleans Riverside
New Orleans, often referred to as “the cradle for civilized drinking,” is home to a number of historically significant cocktail bars and the birthplace of several famous cocktails, innovative ingredients, and re-mastered classics. Beginning in the 19th century apothecary, such concoctions were administered for their medicinal benefits and healing powers. Steeped in history and culture, the classic New Orleans cocktail tells a fascinating tale—where modern chemistry meets spirited tradition.

Social events

Social events are a great way to meet people and expand your knowledge. At networking events and luncheons, you can make new connections with peers, graduate students, job and graduate school recruiters, chemists in the fields you are interested in, and volunteers of ACS.

Student Chapter Awards Ceremony
Sunday, March 18, 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Great Hall A
ACS will honor 305 student chapters for in recognition for programs and activities achieved during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Undergraduate Social
Sunday, March 18, 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Hall B1
Following the ceremony is the Undergraduate Social, a fun event with music, food, and the company of all your peers.

Pub Trivia Night
Sunday, March 18, 4:00–7:00 p.m.
Mulate's, 201 JuliaEnr Street
Test your science and general trivia knowledge while networking with your fellow meeting attendees. Stay afterwards for a social hour with the Younger Chemists Committee and the ACS Education Division. Refreshments will be provided. Registration is required.

YCC 5K Fun Run
Monday, March 19, 6:45–9:00 a.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Outside of Lobby A

Around the World in Student Chapters: Event Planning Exchange
Monday, March 19, 9:00–10:30 a.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 210

Monday, March 18, 8:00 p.m.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Halls D/E
Sci-Mix is a large, meeting-wide social event for poster presentations contributed by each ACS technical division. Successful student chapters will be presenting during this session.


Last updated 3/12/2018