ACS Student Magazine
Titration is a recipe for success—but only if you take the time to do it right. Here is what you need to know to master this technique.
Learn how SciFinder can help you get the information you need to conduct your own syntheses, analyses, literature searches, and more.
Unidentified by-products and lack of regulatory oversight spell trouble for cannabis products synthesized from CBD.
New research in mice looks at changes in blood’s carbohydrate levels during sepsis, offering hope for improved diagnostics.
NMR is a powerful, but sometimes tricky, analytical tool. Learn how to collect a spectrum for great results.
E-cigarettes deliver lead, arsenic, nickel, and other metals at harmful levels.
Dr. Lieberman is on the front lines helping developing countries identify dangerous fake medicines.
Study reports precise atmospheric 14C levels dating back to the last ice age.
Scientists create an inexpensive sensor based on a 3000-year-old musical instrument.
New portable allergen-detection system could help prevent trips to the emergency room.
Art conservator Eric Breitung studies ways to prevent priceless works of art from degrading.
Conservationist scientists use analytical and materials chemistry to restore and study works of art spanning human history.
A patch made from tattoo paper can detect blood alcohol from sweat and transmit results to a smartphone.
It turns out espresso machines can do more than brew coffee. Researchers percolated polluted soil to quickly extract organic carcinogens in the time it takes to brew a cup of joe.