ACS Student Magazine
Learn how SciFinder can help you get the information you need to conduct your own syntheses, analyses, literature searches, and more.
Adjuvants are so important that the Federal Drug Agency evaluates them as part of the vaccine itself. Find out how they protect us from infection.
Are you fascinated by how drugs work in the body? Learn about careers in pharmacology, a field that intersects chemistry, medicine, and biology.
RNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and BioNTech and Moderna have become the first COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the US. How are these vaccines made?
Stay up to date on Coronavirus news, scientific information, and resources for students.
inChemistry takes a close look at "superchemists" who have paved the way for us all to live healthier, greener lives.
Superpaints. Bendable light. Cure for Hepatitis C. ACS celebrates heroic advancements in health, tech, the environment, and our food supply.
The clever ways chemists design sunscreens to protect us against harmful UV radiation.
Hallucinogenic drugs that had their heyday in the 1960s gain legitimacy for hard-to-treat psychological conditions.
Researchers have shown that activating a chemo drug once it reaches its target delivers medication to tumors without the side effects.
Doping scandals have led the International Olympic Committee to begin testing athletes for performance enhancing drugs and gene therapy.